
Earl Grezaud

Cheese, Cereals and derivative products, Producer in Saint-Trivier-de-Courtes
  • Production: sale of farm products
    Cheeses, cream, eggs, milk.

  • Installed since February 15, 2000, with the suckling cattle while relaunching the dairy workshop of the old exploitation.
    Earl Grezaud owns more than 110 hectares of farmland on a fragmented parcel. They cultivate straw cereals such as barley, triticale and wheat. Corn completes the balance of the animals' ration.
    They raise between 70 and 75 Saanen and Alpine goats and about 60 dairy cows. They produce goat cheese all year long thanks to the deseasoning of the goats' heat. Earl Grezaud...
    Installed since February 15, 2000, with the suckling cattle while relaunching the dairy workshop of the old exploitation.
    Earl Grezaud owns more than 110 hectares of farmland on a fragmented parcel. They cultivate straw cereals such as barley, triticale and wheat. Corn completes the balance of the animals' ration.
    They raise between 70 and 75 Saanen and Alpine goats and about 60 dairy cows. They produce goat cheese all year long thanks to the deseasoning of the goats' heat. Earl Grezaud tries to preserve the heritage of their family and to put into practice the know-how acquired for the transformation of the milk of their goats and their cows.
  • Spoken languages
    • French
  • Activities
    • Agricultural
  • Services
    • Sales on site
    • Sale on the markets
  • All year 2024
    Open Everyday
    * Sale at the farm : Saturday morning from 10am to 12pm Market of Saint-Trivier-de-Courtes on Sunday morning from 9:30 am