La P'tite crèmerie
Shops, Equipment hire, Food shop, Quality grocer, Regional products, Cheese shop
in Montrevel-en-Bresse
Julie Bernard offers you 100 kinds of local and regional cheeses as well as mountain cheeses by the slice or in the form of trays prepared to order. A showcase of our Terroir, with traditional products made in France and elsewhere.
La P'tite Crèmerie offers a wide range of cheeses, mainly made from raw milk, with their accompaniments (honey, jams, etc.). Julie selects some of her products with the advice of a "meilleur ouvrier de France" (best worker in France), Christian Janier, and favors quality and local origin whenever possible. On her shelves are BOF (butter, eggs and cheese), yoghurts made in the Ain, local goats and tommes, traditional Salers cheese, but also farmhouse gouda, PDO comté cheese and camembert made...
La P'tite Crèmerie offers a wide range of cheeses, mainly made from raw milk, with their accompaniments (honey, jams, etc.). Julie selects some of her products with the advice of a "meilleur ouvrier de France" (best worker in France), Christian Janier, and favors quality and local origin whenever possible. On her shelves are BOF (butter, eggs and cheese), yoghurts made in the Ain, local goats and tommes, traditional Salers cheese, but also farmhouse gouda, PDO comté cheese and camembert made with raw milk from Normandy...
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